Thursday, 22 October 2009

Evaluation of Unit 4- Creating a Record.

Unit 4- Record- Creating a record.

The evaluation- prior to half term autumn
In the light of what you have learnt using Logic 8 and lesson in this term- What would you have done/ developed differently to make your work more representative. Ask MSM.
Atmosphere- Gloomy, creepy and mysterious. I tried to make my music similar to how people saw Batman.
Batman character- Batman is a very mysterious character. I would class him as mysterious as people don’t really know who he really is. He is undercover. Some know him as Bruce Wayne.
I rejected instruments like the keyboard and wind chimes, as they are very soft instruments. They are the opposite as to the sound I was looking for.
At the end, when the ‘Gotham City’ scene begins, I slowly fade my music.

Thursday, 15 October 2009

Record- a definition

The definition of record is a file, photograph or phonograph that has a permanent information on it. An example of 'records' would be 'facebook'. You make your own page and leave a 'record' of yourself and everyone can see what your about. It's permanently there.
Movies- a film crew records and uses computers to put them together. Then they are stored on disks (DVDs) or videos.
When the police solve a crime or someone does something that is against the law, it is put on a record. It is permanently there. Doesn't get removed.
Library's have books, that has tons of information stored in.
Newspapers- have information printed on it that everyone can read. Permanently there.
Birth certificates- That is your ID, your personal information, that is you. This is a record of you.
E-mail- emails are sent via the internet and saved in an inbox.
Internet- has information that is permanently there and you can leave it and go check it again when needed. Doesn't move.

Diverse- many and different.
tourist offices of diverse nationalities
a person of diverse talents.

Thursday, 8 October 2009

Batman Movie work: Mr. Smiths class

Monday 5th October 2009
Today we were told to complete the first section of this project. This part of the project is to complete a 40 second introduction to the film 'Batman 1989'. I had done parts of this so, Mr. Smith told me to go into my motif. Doing this, i will be considering my middle section as well. I have to think about, contrasts and opposites. For example: Fast-Slow, Short-Long, Major (CDEFG)- Minor (ABCDE), Loud and Quiet. Having this all in mind, I have thought about how i am going to put all of my music together.

Tuesday 6th October 2009
I went back into Logic 8, where i have been composing my music and opened my NCFE saved file. I then went straight into completing my melody. Previously, we have been doing the background music, to our Batman intro, so once fully completed out melody, we can always go back into the NCFE file and change it up.

Thursday 8th October 2009
Today in Mr. Smith's class we had to put our music and the movie together, to make sure that they fit together. The music fits the scenery.
I wasn't sure what i was doing, so I spoke with Mr. Smith, and we both came up with the idea, with moving my music forward a few beats, so that when the names of the different stars come up my music changes slightly.

Monday 19th October 2009
In todays lesson we were asked to go straight into Logic 8 and complete our NCFE-batman intro.

Tuesday 20th October 2009
Today i completely finished my motif and tomorrow hope to go onto putting it in together and fully completing my Batman NCFE.

Thursday 22nd October 2009
Today I completed everything. Once i thought i was done , i got Mr. Smith to check it over and make sure everything was in the right place and if any bits were missing he could fill me in. Once he told me what i needed to do i went straight into doing to and finished the whole thing in an hour. What i had to do was, make my motif a bit longer and add a few more instruments to make it more appealing and stand out more over my background music, so that it wouldn't fade into the back.