Wednesday, 9 December 2009

Leaflets and Brochures

Leaflets are small bits of paper with, sometimes detailed and sometimes basic, information about something. It is like a mini advertisment.
Brochures are the same as a leafelt, but just folded.
In class, we have all been set a task. For our project, we have to design and create our own leaflet/brochure, to advertise and promote what can be done at the Southbank, for people between the age of 16 and 21.
My ideas have been set to focus on:
--> The London Eye
--> The Arcade
--> Shopping
--> The Aquarium (some people at this age may like things like this, or have a child/young sibling)
--> Food and Drinks

Tuesday, 8 December 2009


Presenting complex subjects clearly
-->Learn from other writers
-->Geeky guy from accounts
--> Spotting the boss's intimidating wife
2)Main intention (writers main intention)
-->Top tips to turn you from party pariah to christmas party princess in no time
3)Introduction- already done
Second section: Talk to everyone. Watch your body language. Make people feel welcome. Made quotes and broke information down to make it easier.
Third section: Be really nice to them, ease up to them. Given quotes and tips from professional people, who know what they are talking about.